
a whole heart ::

this past weekend, i was out in california visiting my sis and BIL. it's always so good to see her. my heart is truly whole when we are together. during this visit, i thought about how life would be if i did move out to california. but things are more complicated when you're married. it's not just my choice and decision anymore. i need to consult the hubby. we have decided to pray about it. we both need God's peace before making such a big decision. i feel like life would be perfect if only my sis and BIL would move back to new york. it's hard to leave community, the ease of public transportation, and 'home'. but i would gain family as well as quality and daily life spent with my sis. sigh. growing up sure is hard to do.

i've also donated an item to the march challenge with etsy for charity. 100% of their proceeds will be given to the charity of the month. the charity this month is save the children.


Randomocity said...

You are very blessed to have such a close bond with your family. It will all work out!

Unknown said...

I love that you and your sister are still so close. I love my sisters and brother to no end so I get it. It'll all work out. It always does.

the 6 o'clock stitch said...

Such cute pictures...